Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Friday, November 23, 2012
A big thanks
To Mr. Jim Harris, an old dude that has been apart of our family since before me. He was my grandpa's best friend and always had a place for us to park store projects, dirt bikes and just about anything else. Mr. Jim took a fall a few weeks ago, he is recovering well but has made the decision that he would be better of in a assisted living arrangement. It is a sad day for our family that he will no longer be just down the street with all his wisdom and knowledge to tap and stories to hear. With everything he has going on, he wanted my brother and I to dig through his garage and pull out what we wanted. The most awesome thing a dude can do for another dude on thanksgiving is hook him up with a shit ton of free tools! Thank you Jim! We love you man.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Score of the day
Saw this at the thrift store and was like wtf is that? Upon further investigation, it was revealed to me that it was in fact Henry the 8th 's jockey shift knob... OK so its a curtain rod end, but one day it WILL be a cool fucking shifter knob.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Took awhile to get the fire lit under my ass but here it goes. Got my tappered races in the neck and cut away all the extra from the bottom cup on the neck. Got the new Harley neck bearings on my front end and got it hand tight dry fit to the frame. Need to make my front wheel spacers and press in the new bearings this week. Turn down my front axle and get the front tire on and its a roller.